Guitar Masterclass
Online Masterclass
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Online Masterclass

Guitar Masterclass

GROUP Classes (maxi 10 pax)
Individual One on One Classes

For fees and bookings, please contact AMI Records or GuitarThai Music School
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BASIC CLASSICAL GUITAR TECHNIQUE for electric guitar players

Suitable for every guitar player wanting to learn the basics of the right hand classical guitar technique
Single 2 hour course


Many electric guitarists have incredible left hand techniques but hardly make use of their right hands. This course is designed to learn all those basic Classical Guitar right hand techniques and also give some advice on left hand practice techniques as well.

Score will be available during the course


Suitable for all levels of Classical Guitar players
Single 3 hour course


Your key to developing and maintaining a complete guitar technique
For beginner, intermediate and professional guitarists
In a 3 hour session Hucky will lead you through all chapters of his bestseller FINGER WORKS workbook on how to master the entire range of right and left hand movements possible on the classical guitar.

repeated notes
position changes
chord strokes
interval scales

Purchase of original FINGER WORKS book is required for this course. The book is available at AMI Online Store

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Everybody loves to play the guitar but does anybody really love to practice? I haven’t met many people who could honestly convince me that they did, and yet we all know that if we want to develop a solid finger technique, which in turn will help us realize our musical ambitions and ideas, then we must practice. With this book I have tried to lay out a concise method to achieve the best results with minimum time and effort.
The book was developed for guitar students who want to build up a solid finger technique, for advanced players who want to improve their abilities and also for the professional guitarist‘s daily workout and for teachers who want to teach according to the concepts presented in this manual.
FINGER WORKS is a minimal and transparent yet comprehensive compilation of all possible finger movements required to play the classical guitar, using the fingers of the left and the right hands. With a strong focus on such topics as rhythm and voicing, this method aims to help develop a musical rather than an abstract mechanical guitar technique.
Practice the exercises as written in this book but also improvise around them creatively, according to your individual needs and requirements. For example, all right hand exercises may either be played with an open e-minor or with any shiftable chord of the left hand. Bass note patterns may be improvised freely.
The various chapters are arranged loosely and do not need to be practiced in the order they are presented.
You can choose all or only certain parts of each chapter or concentrate only on one particular subject at a time.

HUCKY's REPERTOIRE (8 courses)

Each course: 5 hours - single day class
Suitable for intermediate to advanced Classical Guitar players
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11 musical compositions of HM King Bhumibol the Great

01 Chulalongkorn  02 No Moon  03 Echo  04 Lay Kram Goes Dixie  05 Still on my Mind  06 Oh I Say  07 New Year Greeting  08 Sweet Words  09 Blue Day  10 Alexandra  11 Kwamfan An Sungsud
Purchase of original SWEET WORDS sheet music book is required for this course.
The book as well as
Vinyl, CD are available HERE
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13 musical compositions of HM King Bhumibol the Great

01 Lullaby  02 Falling Rain  03 Friday Night Rag  04 I Never Dream  05 H.M. Blues  06 Magic Beams  07 Never Mind the Hungry Men's Blues  08 Dream Island  09 Love in Spring  10 Near Dawn  11 Lovelight in my Heart  12 Love at Sundown  13 Candlelight Blues
Purchase of original CANDLELIGHT BLUES sheet music book is required for this course.The book as well as Vinyl, CD are available HERE
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14 of Thailand's most loved melodies

01 Sunsern Phra Baramee / สรรเสริญพระบารมี 02 Burma Klong Yao / พม่ากลองยาว 03 Ayuthaya Fantasy  04 Kangkauw Kin Kluay / ค้างคาวกินกล้วย 05 Namta Saeng Tai / นำ้ตาแสงไต 06 Lai Ponglang / ลายโปงลาง 07 Nok Sai Bin Kam Thung / นกไซบินข้ามทุ่ง 08 Long Mae Ping / ล่องแม่ปิง 09 Khaek Samse / แขกซัมเซ 10 Lao Duang Duen / ลาวดวงเดือน 11 Sao Mai / สาวไหม 12 Duan Phen / เดือนเพ็ญ 13 Lao Krathop Mai / ลาวกระทบไม้ 14 Khmen Saiyoke / เขมรไทรโยค
Purchase of original MAGICAL MELODIES of THAILAND sheet music book is required for this course.The book as well as Vinyl, CD are available HERE
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16 Fusions of South East Asian music

01 Burung Kakak Tua (Indonesia) 02 Menghitung Hari (Indonesia) 03 Techno Toey (Thailand) 04 Duan Phen (Thailand) 05 Dạ cổ hoài lang (Vietnam) 06 Trống Cơm (Vietnam) 07 Charm Par Meuang Lao (Laos) 08 Lam Salawan (Laos) 09 Mya Man Giri (Myanmar) 10 Anak (Philippines) 11 Kapilas na Giting (Philippines) 12 Adai-Adai - Naindong (Brunei) 13 Rojak (Malaysia) 14 Count on me, Singapore (Singapore) 15 Brise de Novembre (Cambodia) 16 Champa Battambang (Cambodia)
Purchase of original ASEAN GUITAR sheet music book is required for this course.
The book as well as
Vinyl, CD are available HERE
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Great selection of 17 of Asia's most loved melodies

01 With Love from Asia  02  The Naiharn Rip-Off  03  I-sarn  04  Adai-Adai & Naindong  05  Kapilas na Giting  06  Sakura  07  Anak  08  Hilltribe Party  09  The Song of Knight Tsusuki  10  Ping Ju  11  Four Kayakum Songs  12  Rak Risya  13  Dance of the Golden Snake  14  Arirang  15  Bengawan Solo  16  Love Song No. 2  17  Count on me, Singapore
Purchase of original WITH LOVE from ASIA sheet music book is required for this course.The book as well as CD are available HERE
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7 Virtuoso Asian Guitar Pieces

01 Gamgah-Gamgah  02 Two Fragments from Chao Phya  03 The Tears of Master Shen Yen Lu  04 Kapilas na Giting   05 Prelude et Movements des Cordes  06 I-sarn  07 Kaek Chau Senn
Purchase of original GAMGAH GAMGAH sheet music book is required for this course.The book as well as Vinyl, CD are available HERE
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22 Alltime Classical Guitar Favourites

01-05 Suite Española 06 Romance d’Amour 07-10 Ragtime Medley 11 Lágrima (Prelúde) 12 Gospelhorn 13 Prelude 14 Bourrée 15 Menuet 16 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring 17 Prelude No.1 18 Erdig 19 Meditation 20 Branles de Village 21 Introduction & Sérénade pour Django 22 Greensleeves 23 Classical Gas 23-24 Die Gitarren von Quiment
Sheet Music Book and CD will be available during classes
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TUNES from the HEART
11 musical compositions of HM King Bhumibol the Great

01 Rak Risya Sangna 02 Bengawan Solo 03 Namta Saeng 04 Anak 05 Arirang 06 Greensleeves 07 Menghitung Hari 08 Duan Phen 09 Lágrima 10 Sao Mai 11 Brise de Novembre 12 Long Mae Ping 13 Fragment From Chao Phya 14 Ping Jue 15 Meditation 16 Romance d’Amour 17 Minstrels 18 Cham Par Meuang Lao 19 Menuet 20 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring 21 Lao Duang Duen 22 Love Song No. 2 23 With Love from Asia
Sheet Music for this course is available in the MAGICAL MELODIES of THAILAND, WITH LOVE from ASIA, ASEAN GUITAR & GAMGAH GAMGAH sheet music books above.

SPECIAL OFFER for Participants
Buy all books as a set at SPECIAL PRICE

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Copyright © 2023 by Asia Music International Ltd.
All rights of the producer and the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting, digital distribution or similar acts of this recording or parts thereof is prohibited.
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