Leaf through any book on the subject of Thailand, and you will undoubtedly come upon photos of His Majesty the King. As likely as not, He will be holding or playing a saxophone, clarinet, or trumpet. His Majesty may even be jamming with the likes of Benny Goodman, Stan Getz, or Louis Armstrong.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand had been very active throughout 60 years on the throne. He has founded and maintained numerous charities, dedicating his life to the welfare of His people.
He has become known as "The Beloved King" demonstrating a sensitivity and a profound understanding of the things that truly matter most in this world - those things that make us human: sharing the joy inside of us through an act of kindness or a work of art.
So it is that the King has always found time in his busy schedule to pursue photography, painting, translate works of literature, and in particular, master the art of music.
The King has cultivated a passion for jazz as well as classical music. Not only has He played alongside the top jazz musicians of all time, He has also been awarded honorary membership in The Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna for his contributions to music, alongside such notables as Albert Schweitzer and Yehudi Menuhin. Several recordings have been made of His music, and the King's melodies are familiar to everyone in the country.
The creation of great music requires a great generosity of spirit. King Bhumibol has always shown such a spirit through the mastery of His art and His active concern with charitable works.
"Whether jazz or otherwise,
music is a part of me. It is a part of everyone,
an essential part of us all.
To me, music is something fine and beautiful.
I think we should all recognise the value of music in all its forms,
since all types of music haver their place and time,
and respond to different kinds of emotions."
King Bhumibol Adulyadej