Most Honorable Moments
Some of the most memorable moments
Performing at United Nations HQ in New York City
MAGICAL MELODIES - A Tribute Concert to the Kings and Preserving Thai Cultural Heritage at Mrigadayavan Palace
Meeting HE President Nathan of Singapore
Being introduced to HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej
Performance for HM King Bhumibol Adulyadejs 72nd birthday in Bangkok
It was a great honour to-provide part of the music for this splendid Royal documentary series
Performance for the 84th birthday of HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej in London
Performance for the 84th birthday of HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej in London
Presenting a guitar by German master luthier Gerhard Schnabl to HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej
Performing at the Phra Meru Mas Royal Crematorium
Performing at the Phra Meru Mas Royal Crematorium
Royal Command Performance for HM Queen Sirikij
Royal Audience with HM Queen Sirikij
Welcoming HM Queen Sirikij
Welcoming HM Queen Sirikij
Audience with HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
Audience with HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
Welcoming HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
Welcoming HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
Welcoming HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana
Welcoming HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana
Audience with HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana
With HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana
Welcoming HRH Princess Siriwanvalee
Welcoming HRH Princess Siriwanvalee
Welcoming HRH Princess Somsawali
Sharing a moment with Prince Chatrichalerm Yukol
Khunying Busyarat and General Kanith Permsub - Deputy Chief Aide-de-Camp to King Rama IX presiding over Huckys performance in Pattaya
With HE Privy Councillor Rear Admiral ML Usni Pramoj
Greeting former Prime Minister, Statesman and President of the Privy Council HE General Prem Tinsulanonda in Songkhla
With former Prime Minister, Statesman and President of the Privy Council HE General Prem Tinsulanonda in Bangkok
With former Prime Minister, Statesman and President of the Privy Council HE General Prem Tinsulanonda in Bangkok
With former Prime Minister, Statesman and President of the Privy Council HE General Prem Tinsulanonda HE German Ambassador Brümmer in Bangkok
With former Prime Minister, Statesman and President of the Privy Council HE General Prem Tinsulanonda at Baan Sri Taovej
With HRH The Racha Muda of Selangor
Receiving a gift from His Excellency Mr. Hun Mani, Member of Parliament and President of the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia
With Her Excellency Mrs. Phoeurng Sackona, Minister Culture and Fine Arts, Kingdom of Cambodia
Discussing cultural diplomacy concepts with HE Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai at MFA
Meeting HE Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai at MFA
Meeting HE Cultural Minister Vira Rojpojchanarat
Presentig Royal project to HE Eduction Minister Dr. Wichit Srisaarnt
Presentig Royal project to HE Eduction Minister Dr. Wichit Srisaarnt
Presenting Royal project to HE University Minister Prachuab Chaiyasarn
With HE Minister Amaret Sila-Orn at German Embassy Bangkok
Meeting HE Eduction Minister Somsak Prisanatakul
With HE Minister Dr. Supachai Phanichaphat
With HE Admiral Prajed Siridej, Commander of the Royal Thai Navy
Performing the Royal and National anthems in the presence of HE German Secretary of State Cornelia Pieper
Presenting Royal Project to HE The Director General of the Minsitry of Education
With Senator Meechai
With composer Thanpuying Puangroi Apaiwong