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Unlimited noise terror

Unlimited noise terror

According to Bangkok’s Sathorn District office and Thungmahamek Police Station, Thailand has no effective laws protecting citizens from noise terror caused by construction and house repair etc. by nasty neighbours, who are reportedly allowed to terrorize their neighborhood from 06:00-22:00 on any given day and for as long as they feel like, timeframe unlimited. Unless you are willing to invest in the necessary equipment needed to present proof of a continuous 16 hours above 80 decibel noise level, that is! The problem with this is that by recording those required 16 hours of misconduct, one has most likely gone insane already.

noise terror pic

Though construction projects, no matter how small or big, have to be registered with the authorities at the responsible district office (one wonders what for….?) and are even required to present a time plan and work schedule. Well, in reality the construction party can extend their terror by as long as they feel like. With the typical indecisive behavior of most inexperienced hobby (and ‘professional&rsquoWinking home buiders, that means building, demolishing, building, demolishing and all over again etc. for endless modifications.

There were several news were people stressed by such noise terror went ballistic and even shot the noise makers. Not a very civilized solution but understandable in a place with no official protection as noise can definitely cause aggression and drive people insane.

A private survey found that a standard 10 day job for a German construction professional easily ends up requiring triple the workforce and taking up to 2-3 month in Bangkok. But then, a German worker would receive 2,000 - 2,500 Thai Baht (per hours, yes, NOT per day) and not the 350 or 400 Baht Thai minimum wage…. which perhaps explains the speed difference…..-Happy

Re-consideration and polishing of these middle age era and useless regulations would definitely upgrade the perception of Thailand as a developed place to foreign investors.