World Music on Guitar
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Mami Punks

Punk used to be a way of life and a pretty radical way of expressing opposition to the establishment and society in general. That seems to have changed, at least for some of those self-proclaimed (Yuppie) "Punk" wannabes who choose to live a comfortable life under Mami's skirt at home, even at a noble age of 25 and older… ! Well, well, well…. a good force seems to have turned into yet the same superficial and meaningless crap like so many other things these days.

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ASEAN Guitar

THIS IS the finest guitar recording I've ever heard…
And the quality of the sound recording is even better than Michael Newman's solo guitar recorded by Sheffield Lab. AUDIOPHILE Magazine, December 2015

Watch TV Channel 3 review

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Music is a precious gift

Hucky Eichelmann and AMI Records support the copyright protection of music -please support us, too, and help to encourage others to respect that copying music damages both musicians, and the music industry all around the world and will eventually lead to the extinction of good music.

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The dilemma of the classical guitar and how to be a musician

One of the main dilemmas of the classical guitar is that many players attempt to copy other (famous) players rather than developing their own musical signature.  

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