24/01/25 23:07 Filed in:
Social | Health | MedicalUnlimited noise terror
According to Bangkok’s Sathorn District office and Thungmahamek Police Station, Thailand has no effective laws protecting citizens from noise terror caused by construction and house repair etc. by nasty neighbours, who are reportedly allowed to terrorize their neighborhood from 06:00-22:00 on any given day and for as long as they feel like, timeframe unlimited. Unless you are willing to invest in the necessary equipment needed to present proof of a continuous 16 hours above 80 decibel noise level, that is! The problem with this is that by recording those required 16 hours of misconduct, one has most likely gone insane already.
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12/01/25 12:13 Filed in:
Social | MusicPunk used to be a way of life and a pretty radical way of expressing opposition to the establishment and society in general. That seems to have changed, at least for some of those self-proclaimed (Yuppie) "Punk" wannabes who choose to live a comfortable life under Mami's skirt at home, even at a noble age of 25 and older… ! Well, well, well…. a good force seems to have turned into yet the same superficial and meaningless crap like so many other things these days.

Tags: Punk , Social, Music, Wannabes
03/03/24 13:46 Filed in:
Bangkok | Social | Health | AnimalsThe latest hilarious news on the recent dog attack matter is Khet Sathorn's announcement that they would come to catch the dog who bit the resident but castrate the others in the gang and then return them back to the front of our house..... to see whom they will bite next, we suppose? Castrating dogs for means of preventing them to bite is quite big news....especially since the dog who bit the resident was actually already castrated, as were all the others.... Bangkok remains a wild place, always good for never heard of surprises.
#streetdogs #streetdogsofbangkok #streetdogsofthailand #bangkok #Rabies #rabiesvaccination

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19/02/23 09:08 Filed in:
Social08/02/23 00:20 Filed in:
SocialSomebody asked me what to do when you find out that somebody whom you thought you knew very well and whom you respected and trusted as a sincere being suddenly turns out to be a dishonest person who thinks and acts in a manipulative way.
A seemingly easy but yet difficult question to answer… here is my personal try, anyway:
Dishonesty and manipulations are basically lies which come with many different faces and reasons and even excuses to 'justify' themselves. As far as I am concerned none of them are acceptable in whatsoever way.
Besides being irritating, unfair and sometimes even devastating for the affected party, it appears to me that the dishonest party is actually on the loosing side as, in the end, they will have to face their Karma or call it the truth with their creator, no matter which faith they might follow…. Altogether, dishonesty seems to be a pitiful, not very creative and actually not even effective or helpful instinct at all.
Therefore my personal guess would be to stay clear of such people…..!
…hope this helps.Tags: honesty, manipulative
28/09/22 20:54 Filed in:
Music | ASEAN | GuitarTHIS IS the finest guitar recording I've ever heard…
And the quality of the sound recording is even better than Michael Newman's solo guitar recorded by Sheffield Lab. AUDIOPHILE Magazine, December 2015
Watch TV Channel 3 review
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28/09/22 20:27 Filed in:
Guitar | Technique | MethodFINGER WORKS is a minimal and transparent yet comprehensive compilation of all possible finger movements possible on the classical guitar. With strong focus on such topics as rhythm and voicing, this method aims to help develop a musical rather than an abstract mechanical guitar technique.
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